Hearing noises coming from your attic or chimney? Is there unexplainable sounds coming from your walls or yard? No, chances are you are not dealing with a ghost. You could however, have any number of different nuisance wildlife species squatting in or around your home. To help you get rid of unwanted wildlife faster we have made it easier for you to diagnose your problem. By knowing what type of animal you are dealing with, we can help speed up the process of wildlife removal by being better prepared.
Diagnose Your Wildlife Problem – Flow Charts to Help
Hearing Noises Coming From Your Attic?

Find What You Think May be an Animal Burrow?

Common wildlife in the Chicagoland area:

(Click On The Audio Above To Hear What A Raccoon Sounds Like!)

(Click on the Audio Above To Hear What An Opossum Sounds Like!)

(Click on the Audio Above To Hear What A Squirrel Sounds Like!)

(Click on the Audio Above To Hear What A Skunk Sounds Like!)